Email Template


CAIRO helps staff teams to consider how their team climate (sometimes called team culture) affects the way that they manage risk and promote opportunity for the people they support. CAIRO stands for Climate Assessment Inventory for Risk and Opportunity.

This email has been generated because {MANAGER-NAME} registered your team on the CAIRO system and indicated that your team will be completing the questionnaire. The CAIRO system assigns each participating team a code so that all the responses from the team can be combined to generate a report. The survey is conducted online and you can participate using this link - {URL}

At least six responses from your team must be received for each of the questions to trigger the production of a report summarising your responses. If even a single question has fewer than six responses, then the whole report will be unavailable. This is to ensure that individuals can remain anonymous. Having said that, the more returns that are received, the more useful will be the findings.

The survey will open on {START-DATE}. We hope that you will take the time to complete the survey before it closes on {END-DATE}. Most people spend 15-20 minutes answering the questions. Each person needs to complete the survey privately, as there is little value in receiving multiple copies of the same responses! For each question, please consider how you think your team as a whole works, so everyone is giving a sense of how things usually operate.

In the CAIRO questionnaire, we use the terms 'person' or 'people' where others might write client, patient, customer, service user or expert by experience - and then we label staff, managers, relatives and communities.

Each question describes the extreme ends of a spectrum, giving a description for the lowest score of 1 and then a description of the highest score of 5. Some teams will lie between the two extremes and so get a rating of 2, 3 or 4 on individual questions. When answering each question, try to think about your team as a whole, and not just you. Try to think about your team rather than the wider organisation.

At the end of the survey, there is an invitation to save a copy of your responses before submitting your return to the database. Please do this, so that you can (if you want to) share your thoughts with colleagues in a team discussion about what is working well and which areas may need attention. Once the online questionnaire has been submitted, there will be no way to identify you as the author of these results, since we do not collect any identifying information for individuals.

After the response window closes on {END-DATE}, anyone will be able to request that the average scores be sent to the person who registered your team – {MANAGER-NAME}. Remember, summary charts will be generated as long as at least six answers have been submitted for each question by your team or group.

Sometimes an audit is designed to check out if different groups within the team have different opinions about how things are working. If this option has been taken up, then your group will have one code, and the other group within the team will have another. XXXX will have discussed this with you before you received this email.

We hope that you will consider each CAIRO question and give your honest opinion. A candid approach will help the team to celebrate what is brilliant and address what needs to be improved, so that the people you support will get the best possible care.